- Publishing
- #core free access to scholarly publications http://t.co/prWgCm66 #openaccess#
- #core free access to scholarly publications iOS app out, and gets a mention from info docket http://t.co/1G30nkqX (via @ostephens) #
- Flipboard adds sound, now accessible for visually impaired users http://t.co/2xmhh839 ht @covert#
- The Ebook of My Dreams http://t.co/SEhU132E < sounds a lot like a website. Ask a librarian not a vendor (ht @ottonomy) #
- Freedom of Information
- The #SaveFOI Daily http://t.co/PJxB5tOs ▸ latest #FOI coverage (via @ActNowTraining) #
- Justice Committee scrutiny of the Freedom of Information Act video archive http://t.co/dzPIWXwk #FOI #saveFOI #
- Francis Maude at FOI-scrutinising Justice Ctee today. Hope members have read @tim2040 post http://t.co/Fpz77huy (via @SaveFOI) #saveFOI#
- Today is last evidence session of Justice Committee’s FOI scrutiny. Follow @SaveFOI for coverage http://t.co/JGOKqL18 #saveFOI#
- Mapping
- .@knightfdn Fellow’s Digital Platform to Use #OpenData to Monitor Amazon Rainforest http://t.co/wVLcCmav (via @Liberationtech) #
- Crowdsourced Crisis Mapping: How it Works and Why it Matters http://t.co/QBDPpujO (via @drawbynumbers) #
- In other News
- Too Hot for TED: Income Inequality http://t.co/cQxOIyPs#
- Recipes and Household Tips from Great Writers. http://t.co/xhO7dakd (via @openculture) #