
Some updates to recent posts

Digital Britain

Tom Watson MP: Filesharing: Why the government should proceed with caution and what you can do www.tom-watson.co.uk
Example responses to the BIS consultation www.berr.gov.uk on legislation against P2P filesharing: wiki myrandomstuff.wikispaces.com

MSNBC.com acquires EveryBlock.com. The start-up was funded by Knight News Challenge until June this year. Everyblock source code is available under GNU license code.google.com Prospects for future development and distribution of code after MSNBC acquisition?

URL shortening
Nambu network product tr.im will transition in to the public domain, becoming community-owned and operated. tr.im blog This could be a good outcome if tr.im is adopted by the community, offering assurance to users that the service will survive and insight into the otherwise closed world of Twitter usage stats.

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