EU copyright extension vote delayed

Open Rights Group:

“Amid intense lobbying in the European Parliament next Monday’s vote on the proposal to extend the term of copyright has been struck offin a shock move. Following a meeting of the presidents of the political groups in the European Parliament on Tuesday, and with controversy and a lack of consensus surrounding the proposal, MEPs have delayed voting till the end of April.

MEPs are waking up to the reality that the proposal to extend copyright term doesn’t do what it says. It’s a terrible and unworkable instrument that will do nothing but bring copyright into disrepute in the eyes of consumers. If you’re concerned about the need for a fair and balanced copyright framework you must contact your MEPs now. Make your voice heard!

In other news this week Professor Martin Kretschmer, Director of the Centre for Intellectual Property Policy & Management Bournmemouth, and Horace Trubridge, Assistant General Secretary of the British Musicians’ Union, have been debating the copyright term extension proposal. Additionally copyright creators in the Association for Fair Audiovisual Copyright in Europe have launched a petition against the proposal.”

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MEPs back off from copyright term extension vote!

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