
Oxford Internet Institute: developing a methodology for costing the impact of digital exclusion.

Recent work by OII has shown that technological forms of exclusion are a reality for significant segments of the population, that different groups experience different types of exclusion, and that for some people they reinforce and deepen existing disadvantages, such as social and economic exclusion.
We were asked by the National Audit Office to develop a methodology for working out the benefits foregone to citizens, government and the economy through digital exclusion – and the costs of overcoming them. This methodology is presented here.

Online consultation

How to Classify a Million Galaxies in Three Weeks

Among the most ambitious and successful online “citizen science” projects to date, Galaxy Zoo asks its participants to help classify galaxies by studying images of them online and answering a standard set of questions about their features. For instance: Is the galaxy smooth or bulging? Is it elliptical or spiral? If it’s spiral, how many arms does it have, and are they tightly wound or thrown open wide?

Time magazine

Network Theory conference
Latour, Benkler, Castells, Hall, @karineb, @noshir, monge
International Seminar On Network Theory: Network Multidimensionality In The Digital Age
Nigel Shadbolt presentation: Pragmatic Semantic Web
@USCAnnenberg videos and papers

Sustainable Economics for a Digital Planet: Ensuring access to digital information

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