The Internet Manifesto

Is a modestly-titled list of propositions about ‘how journalism works today’ produced by 15 German bloggers and journalists Internet Manifesto.
It’s pretty good at challenging mainstream media’s attempts to protect failing business models and traditional position as information gatekeeper. A piece by one of the authors in the Guardian.
It’s also given to rhetorical conceit. Some of the statements are platitudes: thanks to the internet ‘Individuals can now inform themselves better than ever.’ Indeed. Other statements like ‘The Internet’s open architecture constitutes the basic IT law of a society which communicates digitally and, consequently, of journalism.’ seems to have lost something in translation, or were nonsense to begin with.
Or as Evgeny Morozov tweeted ‘view that never made it to Internet Manifesto: avoid pundits compiling banalities & calling ’em “manifestos” Net Effect.
As Patricio Robles has pointed out the statement on copyright is contradictory and there is no mention of journalistic ethics.
Not good on the details, but the spirit of a new journalism with a social and educational purpose and which embraces the internet, is right.

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